Category: A Who’s Who of the Christian Mysteries
A collection of mini-biographies of important people who shaped the Christian religion.
A collection of mini-biographies of important people who shaped the Christian religion.
This article introduces my readers to Paramahansa Yogananda, who is often called the Father of Yoga in The West and the first superstar yogi of the twentieth century. I call Yogananda a Christo-Hindu sage and saint. The article also focuses on the two most important books written by Yogananda: Autobiography of a Yogi and The Second Coming of Christ, whichRead More
Think you know the real Paul? Think again! This article about the life and teachings of Paul reveals a darker side of him that you didn’t know existed and paints a picture of Paul as an intrepid first century interfaith pioneer.
Who was Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ? This article discusses the historical details of his life from a variety of perspectives, conventional and alternative, and weighs the evidence for the existence of a historical Jesus.